
Contribute to the Telephony Museum

Telephony Museum successfully operates in Šiauliai since its establishment. As the museum expands its collection, we are constantly looking for different model and year phones, along with their accessories, historical photos, press articles, books, postcards, and other artifacts that document the evolution of telephony throughout history. We invite everyone who is interested in museum activities to join us and contribute to the museum’s growth by donating exhibits related to human communication or supporting our initiatives. Your support and contributions are greatly appreciated!

For more information, please contact us at +37041201075.

Museum details:
VšĮ Telefonijos muziejus
Museum code: 305196456
Address: Dvaro str. 85 – 5, 76236, Šiauliai
Phone no. +370 41 201075
Billing account: LT477180000007700366 (Šiauliai bank)

We kindly ask you to donate 1.2% of your paid personal income tax to Telephony Museum.

Log in to EDS at
Complete and submit the request to transfer part of the income tax to beneficiaries and/or political organizations (FR0512 form version 05).

VšĮ Telefonijos muziejus
Museum code: 305196456

Information to provide: the allocated income tax percentage, the period for which it is allocated, and the purpose, if preferred. There is a possibility to assign part of the income tax not only for 2023, but also in advance for 2024, 2025 and 2026.

Thank you for your support. We will enhance Telephony Museum with technical tools, exhibits, and organise interesting educational activities for the visitors.